Aaron arrived in Mexico

Aaron arrived in Mexico City safe and sound. I am a little slow at getting back to this. Here are some highlights he has sent to us:
His first meal in Mexico was............Carl's junior. Since then he has eaten a head taco, which is a taco made of the head of an animal. He does not ask what he is eating most of the time. He likes the food. He has been teaching a family. He and his companion will be having two baptisms soon and several more are scheduled after the Holidays. He is speaking better spanish all the time. It is warm there except in the early morning.
Elder Brower's first letter to me. I thought I would pass it along so you know how he is doing.
Hola Mi Madre!
      I am doing very well. :D The CCM (MTC) is amazing. I'm in the MTC West. It's the one on BYU Campus, separate from the main MTC. I get to go outside every day to walk anywhere, and I have a majestic roaring river by my apartment. (It's a small stream, but hey... One of the Elders in my apartment calls it that. Seems appropriate.) My companion's name is Elder Holmes. He is an awesome guy. Kind, but quiet most of the time. It is amazing to have someone always physically with me. I really enjoy it. 
      I am learning Spanish pretty well. We've already taught a man, in Spanish, twice. By taught, I mean we sat there and choked out sentences similar to "I teach you gospel? Know God? Want to learn pray?" Yeah.... It's awkward to say the least, but in a good way. (I can't think of many bad ways out there...) However, the hermano who sat in with us complimented us on our ability to show so much love to him. His name is Rodrigo, by the way. From what I understand, he's really our second teacher, but is acting as a progressing investigator for the next week or so, and then will reveal his true identity. 
     The food here is marvelous, I really enjoy it. I've filled out a little bit... Maybe gained 3-5 pounds. Haha! I haven't been able to do much exercise though. I'll do more this week. Both eating and exercise. 
      My district is awesome. We are blending together really well. I've earned the nickname "Dueling Piano Fingers" from them... An unfortunate occurrence. It was late, about 8:00, and I said I played piano as a sport during school... yeah. They enjoyed that one. Haha! 
      I can email whoever I want, so... If someone asks, or if you want to give someone my email, go ahead. I will welcome it. Though.... Tell them that letters are better. I can read those during the week, and they won't eat into my responding time quite so much. 
      Everything is going pretty well. I've been taking Spice every once in a while to ward off illness. I'll let you know if things get rough for me. 
      Well... I love you, Mom. I hope all is well at home. I heard the government is providing back pay for the time Dad was laid off... Sounds to me like a great blessing! Tell everyone I am doing well and I am happy. (And maybe tell them letters are appreciated...)
Love, tu hijo, Elder Brower

Aaron's Farewell

It was a long time coming but Aaron is off and running! He was so excited to go on a mission. He was a little nervous for the unknown parts but so ready to get out and serve a mission for his Savior. He has a strong testimony that this is the right time, right place and perfect mission for him. When his first letter comes I will post it here.